Monday, October 02, 2006

September 15-16

Not a regular school day, but an educational trip non-the-less. We visited the beach with my parents since Hubby was out of town on business and it was my birthday. The kids decided to collect tiny mollusks and see how they worked in a clear bottle. It was very interesting to watch them. We also collected a tiny man-o-war in a bottle and watched it for a while. The kids have a better understanding of how long the tentacles can actually go and why these creatures are so dangerous. The kids also had two firsts even though they have been visiting the coast since infancy: first walk on a jetty and first ferry ride.

1 comment:

A Good Kinda Crazy said...

Got your blog from Spiritbee... thought I'd stop to say Hi... I'm thinking of doing KONOS and wanted to see what you were doing.

Bless you,